Number Name of Employer Description of Contracts Status
1 Mota-Engil Africa 2nd Environmental and Social Audit for the for the Stone Quarry, Asphalt Plant and Camp site used in rehabilitation of Ishaka-Katunguru road (58km) Completed
2 China Civil Engineering and Construction Corporation Environmental Audit for the Stone Quarry, Asphalt Plant and Camp site for the construction of Namusi-Sironko-Muyembe-Kapchorwa road (65km) Completed
3 Ministry of Water and Environment Consultancy Services for Preparation and Implementation of Plans to Restore Degraded Riverbanks and Protect Buffer Zones in Maziba Catchment Completed
4 Ministry of Water and Environment Consultancy Services to Support Selected Communities in Awoja Catchment to Prepare and Implement Wetland Restoration and Management Plans Completed
5 Water and Environment-Water and Sanitation Development Facility-North Consultancy services for the detailed engineering design of the Ministry of Water and Environment Regional Office Block in Moroto


6 Fotogenix Limited Consultancy services for the detailed engineering design of the Proposed Commercial Building and Storage Houses in Nakawa Division, Kampala District Completed
7 Uganda Virus Research Institute Consultancy services for Development of UVRI Master Plan and development of Detailed Architectural Drawings and BoQs for Science Block and Staff Houses. Completed
8 Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and   Fisheries (MAAIF), Uganda) (Sub-


Consultancy Services for Design Review and Construction

Supervision of Sironko Irrigation Scheme

9 Ministry of Works and Transport (Sub consultancy) Uganda Government Funded Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Study for Selected urban Roads in 22 Municipalities across the Country Completed
10 Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (Sub-consultancy) World Bank Funded Pre-feasibility Study for the development of Priority Low land rice irrigation schemes under ACDP in 13 Districts of Uganda Completed
11 China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation Preparation Decommissioning Plan for Numunsi-Sironko-Kapchorwa road project Completed
12 Zongmei Engineering Group Preparation and implementation of wetland restoration plans for Geyi, Ocaga and Tochi wetlands along Olwiyo-Gulu Road Project Completed
13 China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation Preparation and implementation of Restoration Plans for Borrow Pits, Campsite and Stone Quarry used during the Rehabilitation of Nebbi Pakwach Road Project Completed
14 Republic of Rwanda, Ministry of Infrastructure Feasibility Study/Ground Water Prospecting for water supply system for East African Granite Industries in Nyagatare District, Eastern Province of Rwanda Completed
15 Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban

Development Funded by World Bank

Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design for Selected Roads in 14 USMID Participating Municipalities with Funding from World Bank (Batch II) Completed
16 China Civil Engineering and Construction Corporation Environmental Audit for the Stone Quarry, Asphalt Plant and Camp site for the construction of Namusi- Sironko-Muyembe-Kapchorwa road (65km) Completed
17 Bulambuli District Local Government Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Irrigation Scheme in Bunambutye Subcounty Completed
18 Ntake Bakery Company Limited Environmental Audit and ESIA for the Expansion of the Ntake Bakery Flour Mill in Nalukolongo Industrial Area, Kampala Completed
19 Armpass Technical Services Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Stone Quarry in Mubende and Tenants Sensitization of the land where the quarry is located Completed
20 Morc Trade Company LTD Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for an Abattoir in Sembabule Town Council Completed
21 Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban

Development Funded by World Bank

ESIA for Selected Roads in 14 USMID Participating Municipalities with Funding from World Bank (Batch II) Completed
22 Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban

Development Funded by World Bank

Resettlement Action Plan for the Selected Roads in 14 USMID Participating Municipalities with Funding from World Bank (Batch II) Completed
23 Nyagak Hydro power Project Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Nyagak Hydro power Project Completed
24 Liao Ning China Middle East Papers Co (U)


Environmental Audit for the Paper Facility in Mukono District Completed
26 Kampala Ezzi Stores Limited +256 792786052 Environmental Impact Assessment for a Warehouse Completed
27 Saba-Gifco and Lexus Development +256 750 550 551 Environmental Impact Assessment for the Inland Container Deport Completed
28 Ndere Centre Kampala (Ndere Troops) +256 772 200104 ESIA for the Fish Farming Project in Itojo Village of Ntungamo District Completed
29 Zhongmei Engineering Group Ltd +256 785 961762 Environmental Impact Assessment for two (2) Borrow pits Completed
30 Zhongmei Engineering Group Ltd

+256 785 961762

Environmental Impact Assessment for a Concrete Batching Plant Completed
31 Kehong Industrial Development Uganda


+256 771 99360

Environmental Impact Assessment for the Agricultural Industrial Park in Luwero District Completed
32 Kampala Capital City Authority +256 773 551600 Supply of l inputs for demonstration plots at Kyanja


33 Zhongmei Engineering Group Ltd

+256 785 961762

Environmental Impact Assessment for Stone quarry and crusher plant Completed
33 Zhongmei Engineering Group Ltd +256 785 961762 Environmental Impact Assessment for Stone quarry and crusher plant Completed
34 Zhongmei Engineering Group Ltd +256 785 961762 Environmental Impact Assessment for workers’ camp Completed
35 China Civil Engineering Construction


+256 756 590252

Environmental Impact Assessment for Workers’ Camp, ESMMP, OHS Plan and Waste Management Plan Completed
36 National Water and Sewerage Corporation Supplied flatbed scanners for billings (new branches) Completed
37 National Water and Sewerage Corporation Supplied a kit LDC display Completed
38 National Water and Sewerage Corporation Supplied office generators Completed
39 National Water and Sewerage Corporation Supplied 10 KVA generators for Kigumba area office Completed
40 China Civil Engineering Construction


+256 756 590252

Environmental Impact Assessment for Workers’ Camp Completed
41 National Water and Sewerage Corporation Supplied uniforms and protective wear Completed